Who Am I?
Paul Turner RMN, NMP, MSocSc
I am a Registered Mental Nurse (RMN) and Independent Nurse Prescriber with a great deal of experience helping people with mental health disorders and alcohol problems. While excessive drinking is not a mental health issue, traditionally the clinical treatment of these has been carried out by mental health nurses as they are deemed to have the knowledge and experience necessary to support a person having difficulties of this type.
My Experience
I have worked with people with alcohol problems over the last 25 years, initially in an in-patient unit in Gloucester, working as the Director of Quality Assurance in a drug and alcohol treatment hospital in Saudi Arabia and then I set up and ran a home alcohol detox service across South Staffordshire and had great success with short-term (over a few days) interventions and still have contact with some clients who have been off alcohol for ten years or more since I helped them through a private at home alcohol detox programme. Read more about a patient’s journey here
My Approach
I believe that a personalised approach to alcohol treatment is most effective and that each of my clients is an individual who knows him/herself best. While I have a detailed knowledge of alcohol problems and the effect they have on a person’s health, relationships and overall life, I do not live that life and need to rely on you to advise me of the various issues that need to be considered.
For example, it would not be appropriate for me to tell you never to enter a pub again if you have a business in which you need to meet your contacts in bars or licenced restaurants.
We work together to make your future plan fit with the life you need to lead.
For friends or relatives of a person with an alcohol problem, please be aware that there is no point forcing a person to have treatment for excessive alcohol consumption. That person needs to recognise the need to sort out the problem if any alcohol abuse treatment is to be successful. However, there is nothing wrong with making them aware of the risks of their current habits and it is likely that, at some point, they will decide that enough is enough and they need help. While I don’t have the time to be able to offer an ongoing support service, I am happy to have a one-off chat about issues you are facing. Feel free to get in touch here
Paul Turner RMN, NMP, MSocSc.
To check my registration, search my PIN number 84A2732E at the NMC website
My qualifications – Registered Mental Nurse (RMN), Non-Medical Prescriber (NMP), MSocSc (Health Care Policy and Management).
Dr David Eccleston
Dr David Eccleston is an ex-NHS GP who now works privately at The Oakley Partnership at Sutton Coldfield in the West Midlands. I have a working arrangement with David in which he looks after medical assessment and prescribing for patients doing either an alcohol home treatment or The Sinclair Method.
David has over 25 years of experience in family medicine and is very keen to help people suffering from Alcohol Use Disorder after struggling with the lack of resources for this field of practice while working in the NHS.
More information about David and The Oakley Partnership can be found at www.topmedicalpractice.co.uk
David’s GMC registration number is 3253014 and he can be found on the List of Registered Medical Practitioners on the GMC website at: